Well many will end your study now cause you already made up your mind.
But the reason I'm doing this is to see what the other side has to say.
I'm willing to take another look.
This study comes like a year or more later after many said to go back and look at the historic view.
First off if you go by the language of the Bible, I think you will always end up with the Papacy.
If you go by the timeline yea France does work here but so could any number of powers that come after 1798.
In this case we are looking at the Historical View so I feel I need to back up to verse 36 and go from there.
I'm also going to show why I have a hard time with this view.
In doing that, I'm going split things up to explain some of my issues with the historical side.
As we get to the end I'm even going to split things up more on some of the different views.
If you want to see my old study on that takes you all the way through Daniel 11 and ends with the future view go here.
This study we are starting with verse 36 where the division starts.
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