
Daniel 11 - According To His Will


Daniel­ 11:36


Daniel­ 11:36

To His Will

Daniel­ 11:36

The Exalted One

Daniel­ 11:36

Revelation 11 Proof

Daniel­ 11:36

Prosper No More

Daniel­ 11:37

God of his Fathers

Daniel­ 11:37

Desire of Women

Daniel­ 11:38

God of Forces

Daniel­ 11:39

Divide the Land
for Gain

Daniel­ 11:39

Twin Brothers

Daniel­ 11:40

Time of the End

Daniel­ 11:40

Spiritually or Literally

Daniel­ 11:40

He, Him, His

Daniel­ 11:40

Prophecy vs Prophecy

Daniel­ 11:40


Daniel­ 11:40

Questioning Why

Daniel­ 11:41

Edom, Moab,
& Ammon

Daniel­ 11:42

Egypt Shall
Not Escape

Daniel­ 11:43

He shall have

Daniel­ 11:44

Troubled Times

Daniel­ 11:45

The Tabernacles
of his Palace

Finding the right Head.
Who is the new power that does according do his will?

Daniel 11:36

And the king

France in the years 1789-1799

shall do according to his



Daniel 11:36

And the king

Papacy after Church & State unite to form the Mark Of The Beast

shall do according to his



Stop point: 54:00

I'm going to use this video for the France side of the argument.

We will go line by line and see where we end up.

Again we are both on the same page as far as the timeline up till verse 36.

As for the Seven Trumpets, that's for another study.

Daniel 11:3, Daniel 11:16, Daniel 11:36

Yes, I do support that a new Kingdom is on the scene.
According to the timeline France fits perfectly.
But we also know we can skip many years at a time to move to more important parts.

Video's Question:
How could this be Papal Rome when in 1798 they were wounded by France and the Reformation.
My Answer:
It cannot be Papal Rome at the time of 1798.

My Questions:
Is France or Atheism the last power to do according to his will and make war with God?
Cound this be yet future?
Will the Papacy do according to his will again after the wound is healed?

For that reason I skip past France and look for the next power.
We know the Papal head is wounded now but will be healed when church and state unite.
Soon after Satan personates Christ and all three are together (Dragon, Beast, & False Prophet).
This is the last "according to his will" kingdom I see.

I will give you this.
Each time we have seen "according to his will" it has been done through warfare not by a slow take over by infiltration.
But who is to say there won't be another world war.