
Revelation 17 - United Nations


Jesus Anointed

Heir Of All Things


War In Heaven

Revelation 12


Pure Woman

Revelation 12

1097 BC

Saul Becomes King

723 BC

2520 Prophecy (Israel)


677 BC

2520 Prophecy (Judah)


607 BC

Jubilee of Jubilees
Prophecy (Land)


603 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

538 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

537 BC

Cyrus Decree

457 BC

Rebuild Jerusalem


331 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

146 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 9 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

158 BC?
Or Early Rome?

Daniel 11


Sing Of Jonah


Jesus Anointed



Jesus Anointed High Priest


Gospel Goes Out
To The Gentiles

158 BC?
Or Early Rome?

Daniel 11

312 AD

Papal Rome

Daniel 11

476 AD

Divided Rome

Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13

508 AD

Daily Taken Away

Daniel 8 Daniel 11

538 AD

Papal Rome

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

538-1798 AD

1260 Years

Daniel 7 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13

1798 AD

Papal Wound/U.S.A.

Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

1843 AD

Three Angels Messages
Begin To Sound

Daniel 12

1844 AD

Judgment Begins

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 14 Revelation 4-6

202? AD

Papal Would Healed

Daniel 11

202? AD

False Latter Rain

Daniel 11

202? AD

1 Hour With The Beast
(United Nations)

Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

202? AD

Papal Would Healed

Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

202? AD

Jesus Anointed

Daniel 7 King of Kings

202? AD

The Loud Cry

Daniel 11

202? AD

Final Warning

Daniel 11

202? AD

Land Between The Seas

Daniel 11

202? AD

Close Of Probation

Daniel 12

202? AD

Time Of Trouble

Daniel 12

202? AD

Special Resurrection

Daniel 12

1843 AD

Prophecy Again

Daniel 12

202? AD

When is the end?

Daniel 12 Daniel 11 - Debated Daniel 12 - Debated

202? AD

Second Coming

Revelation 12

202? AD

Jesus Anointed


202? AD

Beast Destroyed

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 19

202? AD

Kingdom Of God

Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8

Coming Head V1I

Rev 17:3 "I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns."

First lets identify the Seven Heads and Ten Horns.

Rev 17:9 "And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth."

Rev 17:10 "And there are seven kings: five are fallen,

Rev 17:10 "and one is,"

Rev 17:10 "and the other is not yet come;

This is the U.N.

Rev 17:10 "and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."

Rev 17:12 "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings,


which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings

Total Authority

one hour with the beast."


Rev 17:13 "These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast."


Rev 17:14 "These shall make war with the Lamb"

The New World Order is on the way, they are calling it the Great Reset, the coming reset is set for 2030, and have made a list of 17 goals to change our world.

Prepare for everything to be under their control. It is no longer "we the people", it is we the "kings of the earth".

They are going to

aim to Reset pretty much everything you can think of.

Rev 17:17 "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled."

Prepare for The Great Reset