
Daniel 12 - Sealed Book


Jesus Anointed

Heir Of All Things


War In Heaven

Revelation 12


Pure Woman

Revelation 12

1097 BC

Saul Becomes King

723 BC

2520 Prophecy (Israel)


677 BC

2520 Prophecy (Judah)


607 BC

Jubilee of Jubilees
Prophecy (Land)


603 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

538 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

537 BC

Cyrus Decree

457 BC

Rebuild Jerusalem


331 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

146 BC


Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 9 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

158 BC?
Or Early Rome?

Daniel 11


Sing Of Jonah


Jesus Anointed



Jesus Anointed High Priest


Gospel Goes Out
To The Gentiles

158 BC?
Or Early Rome?

Daniel 11

312 AD

Papal Rome

Daniel 11

476 AD

Divided Rome

Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13

508 AD

Daily Taken Away

Daniel 8 Daniel 11

538 AD

Papal Rome

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

538-1798 AD

1260 Years

Daniel 7 Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13

1798 AD

Papal Wound/U.S.A.

Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

1843 AD

Three Angels Messages
Begin To Sound

Daniel 12

1844 AD

Judgment Begins

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 14 Revelation 4-6

202? AD

Papal Would Healed

Daniel 11

202? AD

False Latter Rain

Daniel 11

202? AD

1 Hour With The Beast
(United Nations)

Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

202? AD

Papal Would Healed

Daniel 11 Revelation 12 Revelation 13 Revelation 17

202? AD

Jesus Anointed

Daniel 7 King of Kings

202? AD

The Loud Cry

Daniel 11

202? AD

Final Warning

Daniel 11

202? AD

Land Between The Seas

Daniel 11

202? AD

Close Of Probation

Daniel 12

202? AD

Time Of Trouble

Daniel 12

202? AD

Special Resurrection

Daniel 12

1843 AD

Prophecy Again

Daniel 12

202? AD

When is the end?

Daniel 12 Daniel 11 - Debated Daniel 12 - Debated

202? AD

Second Coming

Revelation 12

202? AD

Jesus Anointed


202? AD

Beast Destroyed

Daniel 7 Daniel 8 Daniel 11 Revelation 13 Revelation 19

202? AD

Kingdom Of God

Daniel 2 Daniel 7 Daniel 8

Daniel­ 12:3 "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."

From the testimony of Christ we can see that we are regarded by the Lord according to the kind of fruit we bring forth, the kind of works we perform; for they are an index of the way in which we regard Christ. "If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings; and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me." These were Christ's words during the last interviews he had with his disciples before his death. The fruits of the life testify to the state of the heart. Jesus said, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever." "Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth a sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." RH January 29, 1895, par. 7 (The Review and Herald)

Daniel­ 12:4 "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

The Time Of The End is 1798
Sometime around then the book of Daniel would start to be studied and understood by many.

The book was sealed here at the time of Daniel but in Rev 10 we see the book has been opened.
This is message for the last days.

And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. (Rev 8-10)

The message (sweet as honey) was sounded by the Millerites but when Jesus did not come in 1843/1844 it made that message bitter.

There was a small group that never gave up on this end time message though.

And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. (Rev 10:11)

And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. (Joel 2:28-29)

Some say that it is just Daniel 12 that is sealed.
I don't think so.

After these seven thunders uttered their voices, the instruction comes to John as to Daniel in regard to the little book: "Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered." These relate to future events which will be disclosed in their order. {19MR 320.1}

In the Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was sealed is not the Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel commanded, "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end." Daniel 12:4. {AA 585.1}

To me it looks more like the prophetic times that were sealed.

Daniel shall stand in his lot at the end of the days.

When I read this, my first thought was that it was Daniel's message that stood up.

But yes Daniel would stand in his lot as all other saints will do when their names comes up in the judgment.

John sees the little book unsealed. Then Daniel's prophecies have their proper place in the first, second, and third angels' messages to be given to the world.
The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time.

The Millerite message was the beginning of understanding many of the time prophecies.

The books of Daniel and the Revelation are one. One is a prophecy, the other a revelation; one a book sealed, the other a book opened. John heard the mysteries which the thunders uttered, but he was commanded not to write them. The special light given to John which was expressed in the seven thunders was a delineation of events which would transpire under the first and second angels' messages. It was not best for the people to know these things, for their faith must necessarily be tested. In the order of God most wonderful and advanced truths would be proclaimed.

The test sounds like the spreading of the prophecies and getting ready for Jesus return in 1844.

The first and second angels' messages were to be proclaimed, but no further light was to be revealed before these messages had done their specific work.

After the disappointment, came the understanding of the cleansing of the sanctuary.

This is represented by the Angel standing with one foot on the sea, proclaiming with a most solemn oath that time should be no longer.

Also came the close of the prophetic time.

This time, which the angel declares with a solemn oath, is not the end of this world's history, neither of probationary time, but of prophetic time, which should precede the advent of our Lord. That is, the people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of time, reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844.

What do I mean by "The Prophetic Time"?
Many say this ends the day for a year prophecy but we still will have literal time prophecies such as the 1000 years in Revelation 20.
Many on the other side say, the time prophecies have ended, nothing more can be based on time.

The Angel's position, with one foot on the sea, the other on the land, signifies the wide extent of the proclamation of the message. It will cross the broad waters and be proclaimed in other countries, even to all the world. The comprehension of truth, the glad reception of the message, is represented in the eating of the little book. The truth in regard to the time of the advent of our Lord was a precious message to our souls.

This message has now gone forth all around the world.

But as Revelation says...

Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Rev 10:11

The greatest work to be done in this life is to make preparation for the future life, for that life which measures with the life of God. A probation has been granted us that, notwithstanding the difficulties, we may cultivate virtues which shall carry us into the higher life. Pure love for one another is exercised by those who are partakers of the divine nature. {19MR 321.2}

My biggest question is, is all of Daniel now now unsealed?

I'll back up to a previous quote.

The first and second angels' messages were to be proclaimed, but no further light was to be revealed before these messages had done their specific work. {7BC 971.6}

I don't know the answer to this.

The coming verses of Daniel 12 still talk about time.

The debate continues as to whether or not the 1290 and 1335 dates ae past, future or both.

Some will say that Daniel stands in his lot and there is nothing left to be revealed.

Daniel Standing in His Lot Now [Daniel 12:9, 4, 10, 13 quoted.] The time has come for Daniel to stand in his lot. The time has come for the light given him to go to the world as never before. If those for whom the Lord has done so much will walk in the light, their knowledge of Christ and the prophecies relating to Him will be greatly increased as they near the close of this earth's history (Manuscript 176, 1899). {4BC 1174.4}

I still believe there is more to be revealed.

After these seven thunders uttered their voices, the injunction comes to John as to Daniel in regard to the little book: "Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered." These relate to future events which will be disclosed in their order. Daniel shall stand in his lot at the end of the days. John sees the little book unsealed. Then Daniel's prophecies have their proper place in the first, second, and third angels' messages to be given to the world. The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time. {7BC 971.4}

Honored by men with the responsibilities of state and with the secrets of kingdoms bearing universal sway, Daniel was honored by God as His ambassador, and was given many revelations of the mysteries of ages to come. His wonderful prophecies, as recorded by him in chapters 7 to 12 of the book bearing his name, were not fully understood even by the prophet himself; but before his life labors closed, he was given the blessed assurance that "at the end of the days" in the closing period of this world's history he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place.... {CC 254.4}

Blessed are the eyes which saw the things that were seen in 1843 and 1844. The message was given. And there should be no delay in repeating the message, for the signs of the times are fulfilling; the closing work must be done. A great work will be done in a short time. A message will soon be given by God's appointment that will swell into a loud cry. Then Daniel will stand in his lot, to give his testimony. {2MR 20.1}