
Revelation 13 - Divided Rome      ||

603 BC


Revelation 13

538 BC


Revelation 13

331 BC


Revelation 13

146 BC


Revelation 13

476 AD

Divided Rome

Revelation 13

538 AD

Papal Rome

Revelation 13

538-1798 AD

1260 Years

Revelation 13

1798 AD

Papal Wound/U.S.A.

Revelation 13


One Hour With The Beast

Revelation 13


Papal Would Healed

Revelation 13


Beast Destroyed

Revelation 13

Rev 13:1 "having seven heads and ten horns"

The Horns are upcoming nations.

And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise. (Dan 7:24)

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet. (Rev 17:12)

  • Ostrogoths
  • Heruli
  • Vandals
  • Visigoths (Spain)
  • Franks (France)
  • Suevi (Portugal)
  • Burgundians (Switzerland)
  • Anglo-Saxons (Britian)
  • Lombards (Italy)
  • Huns or Alemani (Germany)

  • This gives a good time frame of when we see this Beast.

    With the ten horns on this Beast this is sometime after the Kingdom has split.

    Rev 13:1 "and upon his horns ten crowns"

    The ten crowns because the kingdom would be split into different nations.

    Satan could now work through the different kingdoms under it.

    And yes in Daniel three horns were uprooted but we must also note that 10 is also a symbol for Complete or Entire.

    So the entire kingdom of Rome would give homage unto the Beast.