- Jair Bolsonaro (Brazilian president) speaks the truth
- HR6666: The Bill Of The Beast
- Tanzanian President John Magufuli Exposed False COVID-19 Tests
- NY State Bar Calls For Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines
- Italian politician Sara Cunial accuses Bill Gates and the corrupt parliament
- Dr. Christina Parks, PhD, testifies 8/19/2021
- Senate Committee Confirms That Animals Kept Dying During The Covid 19 Vaccine Tests 09/28/2021
- Rep. Wheeler stands up for conscience rights in health care decisions 10/27/2021
- Breaking! IL crooked legislators passed SB1169 anyway despite being outvoted by 98%. 10/27/2021
- Rep. Mazzochi Opposes Changes to Health Care Right of Conscience Act Oct 28, 2021